
Profundisá awor bo konosementu di e modelo kooperativo!


Curaçao Cooperative Academy Foundation ta fomentá desaroyo sosial i komunitario mediante aktividat kooperativista, formulando plan i proyekto pa desaroyo di edukashon kooperativista, hubentut i liderazgo.

Kiko ta un kooperativa?

Un kooperativa ta un asosashon outónomo di hende ku boluntariamente a bini huntu ku e meta pa satisfasé nan nesesidat i aspirashon ekonómiko, sosial i kultural komun, pa medio di un empresa di kual nan mes ta doño i ku ta keda manehá na un manera demokrátiko.

Kon ta lanta un Kooperativa?

Each new cooperative business situation is unique, and the manner in which the momentum, the people, and the money come together will vary. The steps that are described here are typically part of a successful start-up venture, but they are only guidelines.

Tipo di Kooperativa

Members support the cooperative by keeping themselves informed of the activities and of important decisions that are made.

Formashon i Training

Cooperatives share many characteristics of other businesses, but they are also unique; for this reason, one of the seven core cooperative principles states the importance of ongoing education and training for members, elected board of directors, management and staff.